Here in London, UK, just like in other regions across the world, dogs are some of our favourite pets. They become part of our lives and family and therefore need proper care and attention. Part of the attention that you should give to the dog is walking it. A professional dog walker will do the job perfectly because all their time is focused on walking the dog. You, on the other hand, might hardly find the time to tend to your dog as well as you should. There are several reasons as to why you need a dog walker. Mentioned below are some of the main ones.
Experience: a dog walker is someone who’s very familiar with dog traits and is therefore able to deal with the pressure of being out with the dog in the company of other dogs. It’s very common to see dogs get aggressive towards one another which could lead to fights or attacks. A trained dog walker will prevent or diffuse such a situation which could be devastating to the dog and to you. They are also able to keep a closer eye on your dog – they will walk the dog on the designated path and not let them dash to the road where there are passing vehicles. Your dog’s safety is therefore guaranteed.
Time limitations: you probably are busy much of the time with work and kids. You may leave work late which means that when you get home, the only time left is for you to spend helping kids with their homework and bonding with them or preparing dinner and doing other house chores. This means that there are days when your dog might miss his/her regular walks. This is when a dog walker comes in handy. You could come up with a time schedule for when they can take your dog for a walk. It eases the burden of having to find time for the walk out of your busy schedule.
Your dog becomes active and healthier. With a trained or experienced dog walker, your dog will have an enjoyable time. Walks are a favourite thing for dogs to do as they keep them active. They are much better than playing with toys. Also, you will have averted a situation in which the dog becomes lazy and overweight which could lead to dangerous illnesses or obesity. A walk also gives them the opportunity to step into a different environment than what they are used to at home. It helps them learn to mingle with other dogs and can therefore be a great form of socializing for the dogs. Walks are a good kind of exercise which contributes to happier and healthier dogs.
An hour or so of walking will help your dog rest well because it will be tired and not bored. This gives you time to carry on with your duties without interruption by the dogs. If the dog is bored, it will constantly be up and down in your home trying to find something that can keep it busy.